15 Ways I Make My House Smell Good

We all want our homes to smell good, but it can be hard to know where to start. After all, the aroma of our living space affects our mood and how others perceive our home. That’s why I’ve been experimenting and using different ways to make my home sell inviting and fresh. 

Having a fresh scent is especially important if you have guests over often. There’s nothing like having that fresh scent hit you and your guest the moment you open the doors. It just puts me in a great mood.

There are various ways to improve the smell of our home, from natural approaches to store-bought solutions. 

From essential oils to coffee grounds, there is a multitude of ways to make your home smell good. Personally, I prefer natural air fresheners with a touch of help from an essential oil diffuser but it really depends on where you live, what furniture you have, and what you want your home to smell like.

So let’s dive into every single method there is that helped me transform my home’s ambiance with delightful scents!

Natural Fresheners

The first and easiest way to improve the smell in our homes is by using natural fresheners like plants. They can be low maintenance and often add a touch of beauty to your home. Plus, they’re a great way to keep your house smelling fresh and clean, without resorting to harsh chemicals or artificial scents.  

Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are pleasing to look at because green is a relaxing color for our eyes. They’re often used as decoration pieces, but they also help to clean the air and release a pleasant scent. Some plants are particularly effective at absorbing odors and releasing fresh oxygen, such as the Spider plant, Peace Lily, and Bamboo Palm. Placing a few well-chosen plants throughout your living space can significantly improve the air quality and smell

Essential Oils

Essential oils are another fantastic way to naturally freshen up our homes. If you like scents like lavender, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil, as they’re known for their deodorizing properties

We can either use a diffuser to spread the aroma throughout a room or create our custom air fresheners by adding a few drops of essential oils to a carrier oil, like almond or safflower oil, in a small jar with bamboo skewers.

Essential oils are another fantastic way to naturally freshen up our homes. If you like lavender, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil, they are great scents to choose from because of their deodorizing properties which help to kill bacteria and freshen up your room without simply masking it. 

I like to either use a diffuser to spread the aroma throughout a room or create our custom air fresheners by adding a few drops of essential oils to a carrier oil, like almond or safflower oil, in a small jar with bamboo skewers.

Simmering Potpourri

A simple and effective method for making our homes smell inviting is by creating a simmering potpourri. We can combine natural ingredients like citrus peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and fresh herbs in a pot of water, and let the mixture simmer on the stove for a while. 

The heat gently releases the fragrances into the air, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. A good combination for a fresh scent is lemon peels, rosemary, and a few drops of vanilla.

By using these natural fresheners in our homes, we can create a pleasant environment, free of synthetic fragrances and chemicals. Having indoor plants and diffusers is an easy method because most of the time you could set and forget them. Especially for plants that require little watering, and but they’re also better for our health and the environment.

Proper Ventilation

Maintaining proper ventilation is essential for keeping my home smelling fresh and clean. Perhaps the most important thing to me is not simply masking odors but getting rid of it, and then replacing it with a refreshing and compelling scent. 

There are a few key methods I like to use to improve air circulation and reduce any lingering odors.

Opening Windows

One of the simplest ways to ventilate your home is by opening windows. I find that doing this allows fresh air to circulate through my space and helps eliminate stagnant, stuffy air. 

Germans have a saying for this called Querlüften or cross ventilation which involves opening all the windows of a house or building and letting the fresh air flow through. 

They even do this in the winter, when we are all trying to stay warm and cozy. It makes sense though because our air can get stagnant and we should refresh and get some air circulation even in the winter. We need oxygen after all, which mainly comes from all the plants outside.  

To make the most of it, I recommend opening windows on opposite sides of the room to create a cross-breeze that effectively moves air in and out. Of course, not all of us have windows directly opposite each other, but having two or more windows open at a time helps air to move in and out more easily. 

Cleaning Air Vents

I also make sure to clean and maintain my air vents regularly to keep them in good working condition. When I first heard of cleaning air vents, I was so confused because I didn’t even think that houses had air vents. 

Here’s a tip: they might be in your ceiling, at your baseboards, or perhaps in your air conditioning or heating structures. 

I find that dust and debris can accumulate in the vents, causing them to become less effective over time. 

To clean them, I simply remove the vent covers and vacuum the ducts using a hose attachment. After that, I wipe down the vent covers with a damp cloth before replacing them.

Using Exhaust Fans

In areas of my home that produce strong odors, such as the kitchen and bathroom, I rely on exhaust fans to help remove unpleasant smells. Make sure to turn on the exhaust fan while cooking to help reduce the smell of food and oil in your home. 

The bathroom fan is also very important when using a shower because it helps to reduce moisture and any lingering odors. I like to switch on the bathroom fan before my shower, and also leave it on for a good 15 minutes because I just don’t want to risk the chance of growing mold in my house. 

According to the CDC, placing a fan close to an open window can also help improve airflow by blowing air outside.

By combining these methods, proper ventilation becomes a key component in keeping my home smelling fresh and welcoming.

Cleaning Routine

Of course, a clearing routine is a must for us to want an odor-free home. Here are some specific strategies I use to ensure my house smells good all the time:

Trash Management

For me, taking the food compost daily is a must. This ensures that any rotten food isn’t sitting around in the house and composting in the house itself. Can you imagine? 

However, if you don’t compost your food and throw it in the trash, then I highly recommend taking it out the trash everyday because bad food starts to smell quickly.

In addition to this, I also make sure to clean trash cans every few weeks with hot soapy water.

If perhaps you think this is too much work, then try to invest in a metal trash can with a lid and foot pedal because the weight of the metal lid helps to seal the odors in. 

Regular Vacuuming

I make it a point to vacuum the floors and carpets at least twice a week. This helps get rid of dust and pet dander, which can accumulate and cause unpleasant smells. For an extra touch, I sprinkle some baking soda on carpets before vacuuming. This helps absorb odors and leaves my carpet smelling fresh.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile and inexpensive way to deal with household odors. I often place an open bowl of baking soda in various rooms to absorb unwanted smells. Additionally, I like to create baking soda sachets by combining baking soda with a few drops of essential oil in a coffee filter. These sachets are perfect for placing in drawers, closets, and other small spaces that could benefit from a fresh scent.

By sticking to these cleaning habits, I’ve managed to maintain a pleasant-smelling home. The key is consistency; with regular care, anyone can ensure their house smells good all the time.

Scented Products

In my quest to make my house smell inviting, I have discovered several scented products that can fill my living spaces with delightful scents. In this section, I will share my experience using candles, air fresheners, and reed diffusers.


One of my favorite ways to add fragrance to my home is by using scented candles. I enjoy their smell, but most of all how they create a warm and cozy atmosphere. 

I prefer soy or beeswax candles, as they burn cleaner and more evenly 8. When choosing a candle, it’s important to select a high-quality brand because the scent will be stronger and last longer, which adds up to costs easily. 

I just use them occasionally for a special evening when I want to feel a little more romantic. If you want something more cost-effective and frequent, I recommend using Reed Diffusers. 

Reed Diffusers

Reed diffusers are beautiful because they give such a raw woody feeling if you buy the wood reed diffusers. They’ll let you maintain a consistent fragrance in your home without having to light candles (if you are averse to fire) or use an electrical outlet. 

They work by releasing the scent of essential oils through reeds placed in a decorative container filled with oil. I find them to be low-maintenance, long-lasting, and a beautiful addition to my home decor 21.

Regardless of which scented product I use, it’s crucial to experiment and find what works best for my preferences and room size. A well-chosen fragrance can truly transform the ambiance of my living spaces and make it a pleasure to come home to.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are another effective way to make my home smell lovely. They come in various forms, including sprays, plug-ins, and gel beads. Personally, I like to use essential oil-based air fresheners, as they provide a more natural scent. When using air fresheners, it’s essential to use them in moderation to avoid overpowering scents and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for best results.

Pet Care

I used to have a dog so I know how bad they can smell especially after a trip to the dog park. In this section, I’ll share some helpful tips on pet care that can help keep your house smelling good.

Invest In Grooming Wipes

One key aspect of pet care is obviously regular bathing and grooming. By giving our pets a bath and grooming them regularly, we can help to minimize odors in the house. 

However, be cautious not to overdo it as bathing too often can cause skin irritation, also I found it to be too time-consuming, it doesn’t help when your dog and cat have an innate hatred for water which both my dog and cat had. 

From struggling with them, trying to calm them down, and enticing them with lots of treats, I found the holy grail when I learned about pet wipes. 

The key is to use them regularly, every day, and every time after a walk, pet wipes are not harsh because you are just wiping the outer layer and removing any bacteria and dirt that they might be bringing in from the outside. 

Cleaning Pet Areas

It’s important to clean pet areas regularly to keep your home smelling fresh. Litter boxes and dog beds, in particular, can become a significant source of pet odors. I recommend that you clean your pet’s litter box at least once a day, and wash their bedding periodically using baking soda with your normal detergent, as suggested by Reader’s Digest.

For small animals like rodents, make sure to clean and maintain their cages regularly to avoid unpleasant odors. Adding a layer of baking soda under the litter can help combat lingering smells, according to This Old House.

Another easy tip for a fresh-smelling home is placing bowls of baking soda or open containers of coffee grounds in rooms where your pets spend most of their time, as these help in absorbing odors.

Preventing Unpleasant Odors

When it comes to preventing unpleasant odors, I’ve discovered that it’s essential to tackle the sources of these smells. Here are some practical steps I take to keep my house smelling fresh and inviting:

Firstly, I make sure to open windows and let fresh air circulate through my home regularly. I’ve noticed that this simple act can help dissipate odors and bring in a pleasant outdoor scent. 

Additionally, I like to use an apple cider or distilled white vinegar in an open bowl placed strategically around the house, which helps trap and neutralize cooking and cigarette smoke odors.

I also found that keeping a clean garbage can is crucial in preventing unpleasant smells. One trick I use is to place some kitty litter at the bottom of the trash can to absorb odors. Picking a smaller garbage can has also been helpful as I have to empty the trash more often. This way, any bad smells don’t have a chance to build up.

Maintaining cleanliness overall is another step I take to prevent unwanted odors. I launder pet beds regularly, scoop up litter boxes daily, and I never forget the little things, like cleaning the washing machine or dishwasher regularly. Washing my appliances is helpful because it prevents the buildup of mold, mildew, or bacteria that could cause bad odors.

In conclusion, the key to preventing unpleasant odors is to tackle the sources of these smells head-on. By maintaining cleanliness, freshening the air, and using natural odor absorbers, my house stays smelling great all the time.

In conclusion, maintaining a pleasant scent in your house involves a combination of regular cleaning, using natural fragrances, strategically placing air fresheners, incorporating plants and a lot more, all contributing to a consistently fresh and inviting atmosphere.

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