girl in a yacht

What Does Luxury Mean To You?

Growing up in the luxurious garden city landscape of Singapore, I was accustomed to large malls and window shopping high-end luxury stores. But as I grew older and understood that not everyone is able to experience these things, I began to wonder and explore what does luxury truly mean? 

I would argue that luxury is in fact, a state of mind, a feeling that is aroused from either your environment or an experience. What is a luxury varies from person to person, because things that invoke feelings of luxury are different for everyone. To most people, however, luxury comes from things you don’t get to experience easily. For example, it is a luxury to own a private jet, go on vacation and buy a branded handbag or own a sports car. 

“Any luxury too easily obtained is probably not a luxury at all.” – Saskia Havekas

Let’s explore all the different avenues in which the feelings of luxury are stirred.

What Google Says About Luxury Vs What We Feel

Googling the definition of luxury, the internet will tell you it is “the state of great comfort and extravagant living,” and to a certain extent, this is true, however, it is hard to define great comfort and extravagant living. For some, having access to clean water all the time is a luxury, whilst others think specifically of branded clothing, watches, and bags.

A recent event in Singapore is a great example of how the meaning of luxury varies greatly between people. To fill you in, a teenager was dissed and mocked by others on TikTok because she called Charles and Keith a luxury brand. This is true, Charles and Keith by definition of the fashion industry is not a luxury brand because of their affordable price range and materials they use, however, they do provide high-quality leather bags and the luxury conglomerate LVMH has a 20% stake in their company.

In response to the mean comments under her TikTok video, she explained that she is not from a privileged background and that having a Charles and Keith handbag was luxurious to her. The fashion industry might try to label specific products as luxury items, but in reality, the feeling of luxury she experienced when this Singaporean teenager got when she bought the Charles and Keith bag is something no one can take away from her. At that moment she experienced luxury for herself. 

Luxury Is About Being Comfortable and Relaxed

Some people say clean tap water is a luxury, which is true because it makes us comfortable and relaxed. We can trust that the water we interact with on a daily basis is clean and not going to make us uncomfortable with sickness or disease and helps to give us peace of mind. 

In the same way, we feel comfortable when we go on vacation and enter our hotel room because it has everything we need. Fresh towels, water, and a clean bed, if we want food, room service is a call away. It makes us happy and feels luxurious because it does not serve just our basic necessities of having a place to sleep and hygiene, but rather it goes a step further, the bed is bouncy and soft, the shower is 

As humans, we could just as easily sleep on a bunk bed, with shared showers, and call it a night, but going a step further than serving just our basic necessities makes us comfortable and gives us the feeling of luxury. 

Luxury Is About Having, What No One Else Has

Oftentimes, luxury brands will release a collection that has a limited number of products for sale. For example, Louis Vuitton often releases limited edition collections, such as their Louis Vuitton x Yayoi Kusama-designed bags which the public greatly desires. We crave luxury brands because they create things that are out of reach. These limited edition products or anything that are low in numbers remains highly sought after even in the second-hand market because of the value of having what no one else has. 

Stepping back from luxury brands, we associate yachts and private jets with luxury not because they are expensive, but rather because not many people can easily have them. We crave experiences that no one else has, it is human nature to want prestige and the satisfaction of experiencing something just for yourself. 

READ MORE: Why is Louis Vuitton So Expensive? The World of Luxury.

Luxury Is Experiencing Something New

When someone buys a Gucci bag for the first time, it invokes feelings of excitement and happiness. However, someone who has many Gucci bags could become numb to the experience and when it becomes ordinary to them, it is no longer a luxury. 

Tying this into the story about the Singaporean girl, she was buying her very first Charles and Keith bag which is perhaps why she thought of it as a luxury. This particular story made a strong impression on me and had me thinking about it for days. Really, it’s because Charles and Keith are one of my favorite bag brands, their elegant and minimalistic designs are just to my taste, and I felt what she felt buying her first Charles and Keith bag. I was in awe of what I had in my hands, the feeling of having what I felt was a quality leather bag for the first time or what I perceived to be luxurious. 

The Human Element of Luxury

Whilst we might not often think about it, the human company is a luxury. No one can or should be able to force someone to spend time with you or serve you, be it in a relaxed setting or at a restaurant. 

Why do we think of first-class airplane flights as a luxury? Well, apart from the amazingly comfortable seats you get. You get the best service the airline has to offer, you get priority check-in, the people you interact with are extra friendly and cordial, if you want something, your needs are their first priority and it feels good to be given attention. 

A level of human touch can make an experience entirely different when you have a personal interaction with someone. In the rising age of the digital world, the human touch has become even rarer which also gives a level of exclusivity. Contrary to what you may believe, many customers in the hospitality industry prefer human interaction. Someone else’s time spent on you, spent with you is so valuable and treasured. 

Luxury Doesn’t Try Too Hard

When we think of Old Money vs Nouveau Riche, most of us have a clear stereotype. We often think of Old Money as people with class, elegance, and the quiet rich. On the other hand, Nouveau Riche is flamboyant and lavish which makes them feel like they are flaunting their wealth. Whilst I’m not trying to propagate stereotypes, I do think of Old Money as more luxurious because they feel more relaxed and seem to be unbothered by other people. 

“The greatest luxury is being free” – Manolo Blahnik

Wealth Does Not Equate To Luxury

Although wealth and luxury are concepts often intertwined they are simply two completely different concepts. Wealth can be used to purchase many luxury goods and services, however, you do not need money to experience a luxury lifestyle. 

Focusing on experiences rather than material possessions is a surefire way to begin a life of luxury without money as an obstacle. You could treat yourself by traveling to a beautiful location to enjoy the scenery or having a rare spa day at home. These experiences can provide you with a sense of luxury and refinement without the need for a large budget. 

Living a luxury lifestyle comes down to how you perceive the world. Cultivating a positive attitude and a sense of gratitude when you interact with yourself and others can make a huge difference because ultimately, luxury is a state of mind and it is up to the individual to define what luxury means to them. 

Why Do We Buy Luxury Goods? 

It is human to crave luxury goods, the want for something better, more, and extreme to seek satisfaction and happiness. Psychologically we desire status and prestige and have a need for self-expression and individuality. Having luxury goods or experiencing a luxurious time and environment fulfills our emotional and psychological needs. 

Most often we see luxury goods as a symbol of success and wealth and as a physical signal to others when we want to gain respect. Additionally, luxury goods are often marketed as exclusive and rare which stirs our desire for something only we can have. Finally, the process of buying luxury goods can be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience that provides a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. 

Who Decides If a Brand is Luxury? 

Ultimately there is no single organization or person that decides if a brand falls under the ‘luxury’ category. Instead, we use the term ‘luxury brand’ to describe if we associate the brands with high standards of quality, use of material, exclusiveness, and price. Our perceptions of a luxury brand are usually influenced by the level of craftsmanship, heritage, reputation, and marketing. 

In the same way that no one can simply define what luxury means to you or any other individual, it is up to you to decide what luxury means to yourself and how you decide to live your luxury lifestyle.

In conclusion, luxury is a personal and subjective concept, often symbolizing quality, exclusivity, and a sense of indulgence that varies significantly from one individual to another.

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